Nov 04 2019

Did you know only 3% of people that visit your site are going to buy your product or hire your service?

With this in mind and the many businesses available online, you will want to make sure your business is a top contender.

To do this, you will need to ensure your website and online presence is catering to all stages of the buying cycle. The buying cycle is the process customers go through when making a purchase, and it is important you as a business understand this cycle to initiate effective marketing.

By catering to all stages, you will be able to drive up your traffic, and in hand, obtain more purchases. It will also ensure that you are reaching the needs of the buyers and are encouraging repeat business.

Not sure if your business is meeting each stage? Keep reading below to see what you can do to get your business fulfilling the entire buying cycle and to reach your goal of more conversion by encouraging the buyer through each stage.

The Awareness Stage

The Awareness stage is the first stage. The customer is yet to find out what they exactly need and have no questions yet, only an understanding that there is a need or a problem.

Once they identify a need, for example, I need a new lawn for summer, your customer will start the cycle by searching for a service or product. This is when they will become aware of your business. But for them to even see your website in the first place, you need to make sure your website is visible. Below are a couple of ways you might use internet marketing to cater to the awareness stage of the buying cycle.

  • Search Engine Optimisation

This is where SEO kicks in. You have to ensure your business is ranking in order to obtain the awareness you desire. But it’s not just that simple, you need to be ranking for the right search terms. With the help of an SEO company like ourselves, you can appear for the right keywords that will deliver you leads.

  • Facebook & Instagram Ads

Social media ads are a great way to spark awareness. Not only can you subtly have it pop-up in your customer’s feeds, but due to their popularity and high use, Instagram and Facebook ads enable a lot of recognition and awareness.

  • Google Ads

Google Ads are another great way to increase awareness of your business. By putting ads in for particular terms, you will be seen high on the search results, but it will also allow you to narrow down the appropriate keywords you want to be shown for.

The Consideration Stage

Now that the buyer is aware of your business, it is time for them to do some research! From learning about your business and the services you offer to want to see more about a certain product you stock, having informative rich content is key.

From informative descriptions to genuine and relatable content across your website, your content marketing is extremely important at this stage. The potential customer is seeing why they should buy from you and are wanting you to sell it to them! To cater to this stage, you’ll want to make sure your website is clean, reputable and full of quality content including:

  • Downloadable Material (How-to-guides, free checklists, etc.)
  • Comparison Tables or Pricing Tables (to break down the technical jargon)
  • Videos (that either explain or showcase your products or services)
  • FAQs page (delivery information, refund policies and warranty terms)
  • Testimonials & case studies (to showcase how you have helped others)
  • Blogs and articles to answer common questions they may have

A great tip is to remember that you need to market to your customer’s core needs. This means that you don’t just market to the specific product they are searching for, but to really express that your business will fulfil their needs.

Stand out from your competition by being the expert in your industry, offering free advice in easy to digest content – this builds credibility and gives you a cutting edge amongst your competition.

The Comparison Stage

Once the buyer has done their research and deemed you as a strong contender, they will compare you to your competitors. That’s right, you didn’t think you were the only one they would look into, did you? When a customer knows what they want, they will want to make sure they are getting it from the best source.

Here they will narrow down their top options, meaning you are still competing against other competitors. The customer will make a judgement based on the best business, so you really need to ensure you are the leader out of the pick.

From the reviews to the price and additional services you offer, there are many aspects the customer will review and compare. To beat out any competitors you may be compared to, our team at FX Web Studio can’t stress how important it is that you stand out as the winning candidate. Your website along with external profiles such as social media accounts and Google reviews are all possible factors that may or may not win the potential customer over.

Your website should do the talking and your reviews back how the customers feel about you as a business. Here are some things to remember to ensure your website will encourage the customer to continue through the cycle and go past the comparison stage.

  • Consider a Why Choose Us page or section in a prominent place
  • Key selling points should be dominant in areas such as sliders or large text
  • Check your product descriptions are accurate and appealing
  • Request past customers to review you if they are happy with your product or service – Include these on your website via a feed or testimonials

The Purchase Stage

This is the point where the customer is ready to go forward with the purchase. Your content focused and user-driven website has made the cut and is the pick of the crop. You beat the competitors and persuaded the customer to pick your business or product.

To make sure they go through and make the transaction, you should ensure you have a user-friendly process. From the number of pages to the instructions you have on each section, it is a smart idea to confirm any customer can understand the process and it hasn’t been made too complex.

You should also ensure you have reputable payment methods available and a secure process. If you don’t, this may scare buyers off right before they follow through with the purchase. Here are some other ways that can guarantee they continue through with the transaction:

  • Information on how they can contact you (technical support)
  • Easy to use website on all devices including mobile phones
  • Introductory offers for first time buyers
  • Gifting a present with the purchase
  • Available discounts/coupons such as 2-for-1, free shipping or refer-a-friend

The Retention Stage

They’ve made the purchase, but it doesn’t just stop there, in fact, this phase means your marketing has reached a new height. The final step and cherry on the top are to retain this customer. Do you have a post-purchase follow up?

If not, you will certainly want to organise one. From a discount on their next purchase to a simple confirmation email, you should have a follow-up action in-line in order to keep the customer.

This will not only build your relationship with the customer, but it can also be a great tactic to get them coming back later. You can also utilise this as an opportunity for further actions such as getting them to leave a review or share your business. This stage involves building a community with those who have purchased from you so that they feel a connection to your brand or product.

  • Email Marketing (follow-ups)
  • Customer support for any enquiries after the order
  • Social Media Marketing such a pixel ad to serve as a reminder

Is your business meeting all stages of the buying cycle? If you need help catering or implementing any of the above stages, give us a call! For your convenience, we offer an extensive marketing and SEO services in The Hills District as well as other parts of Sydney! To organise a meeting or to find out more, give us a call us on 1300 090 401.

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